Lab Notes Episode 6 – Meet them were they are

If you are a coach, a facilitator, a manager, director or a CEO – one of the most challenging and most important objectives is to meet the individuals around you where they are. What’s interesting to them? What’s useful to them? How can I meet this person where they are? It’s often easier to identify what we think they need to get better at than it is to make the journey and see their challenges from their perspective. I need to let go of my assessment of them and fully invest in being curious about them and inviting them them to tell me about what’s going on.  In this episode each of guests share their leadership adventures and a key concept which they all experienced – how the audience helps inform their content by meeting the audience where they are.

Valerie Nishi • Principal at Tidewater Leadership
Reilly Dow • Graphic Facilitator, Pinkfish
Tami Forman •  Executive Director at Path Forward

Valerie Nishi found her leadership potential as a presenter when she understood her audience’s need for her to make a demand on them. Reilly Dow who created the graphic for the Six Box Model, describes her surprise at how the presenter/audience relationship, opposite to our personal narratives, is in reality is a supportive, caring relationship. And, Tami Forman shows how the presenter and audience connection is a collaborative exercise.

Conversations will revolve around how they are practicing and what they are discovering based on the Connection Lab Six Box Model.

Lab Notes – the Connection Lab Podcast – is an ongoing conversation with people who have been though a Connection Lab workshop, an executive development program or through a Leadership Journey program. For everyone who has ever been to a workshop of this sort and had a useful experience – but are still working on turning that experience into a conscious practice – this is a show designed to support your effort and remind us all that we are not alone.

If you want to be a guest on an upcoming episode email us at