Connection Lab Modules Venn Diagram

The best content in the world doesn’t matter if you can’t communicate. Value propositions live and die by how they are offered and received.

Connection Lab offers a robust methodology and workshop series for effective communication. We believe all people are great communicators and our mission is to help people reach their full potential.

The full Connection Lab Communication Program includes 6 Modules designed as 3-hour group or 1:1 executive workshop experiences. In each module we break down the elements of presentation. Participants have an opportunity to learn and practice new competencies of communication, presentation, and leadership.

While there are many elements to a great presentation at the center of all great communication the priority, the center, the beginning, middle and end, is Relationship – connecting with your audience.


6 Box Model



6 Modules 


1: Relationship/Discovering the Audience

This is the foundational session for all Connection Lab work. In it, participants reframe their understanding of what relationship and communication are. We practice putting connection with the audience ahead of our content.


2: Demand/The Call To Action

Now that our audience feels seen, heard, and invited to inform our content – calling them to action becomes a trust-building practice. Participants learn both about the power of effective demands and the challenges that emerge when they are missing. 3: Imagery/Imagination With the principles and practices of the first two sessions – we add to the framework by learning how to harness the imagination of our audience through imagery. Participants discover the power of co-creation and collaboration.


3: Imagery/Imagination

With the principles and practices of the first two sessions – we add to the framework by learning how to harness the imagination of our audience through imagery. Participants discover the power of co-creation and collaboration.


4: Atmosphere

In this module, the journey leads us to an exploration and experience of atmosphere. We explore how our environment affects our relationships, our calls to action, and our collective business outcomes.


5: Storytelling

Now, we gather those principles and practices and pivot into exploring the power and the competencies of storytelling. We learn the Spine of a Story and practice creating and sharing stories. This module gives us the experience of sharing values, ethics, morality, calls to action, and outcomes in ways that are fully transferable to our business.


6: Leadership at a Critical Juncture

This last module explores the nature of leadership at all levels of business and community. We also come full circle on the application of the 6 Box Model. The path of experiencing the first 5 modules leads us to this – the nature of leadership.